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Why Choose Young Living?

It is always very interesting to hear what makes people choose Young Living Essential Oils.  After all, with the choices available, it is always interesting to hear the reasons of others.

Hear why two different doctors chose to use the oils in their practices:

The proof is that you get results from the oils.  Did you notice that the second doctor mentioned that she routinely gets compliments from her patients saying that their treatment with the Young Living oils was the best treatment that she had ever given them?  Experiencing the oils for yourself really is the most powerful proof that a person can have.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the oils,  getting them at a discount, or starting your own home based business , please check out this post.

Testimonial: NingXia Red as a Recovery Drink

NingXia Red 2 So I know I have mentioned that my husband works around machinery and chemicals all day.  I am sure you can imagine that there is a lot of potential risk involved in that sort of work.  As a wife it scares me to think that he could get hurt, but the reality is that it just sometimes happens.  Sortof runs with the line of work.  So after the first time I invested in a super-deluxe first aid kit, and we’ve thankfully only had to use it a few times since.

Last week he came home and told me that he had just gotten hurt, something like ten minutes before.  When we got him to the bathroom to clean the wound, I saw it was pretty deep.  We cleaned it out and bandaged it up just before the shock started to wear off and he became woozy.  We barely made it to the living room before he collapsed on the floor.  Somehow we got him on the couch and put his feet up.  I could tell that he needed something to bring him back aroundNingXia berries on branch 2, so I grabbed my bottle of NingXia Red and poured 4 or so ounces into a cup with a straw and had him sip it slowly.

Within less than a minute the color came back into his face and the lightheaded nauseousness was gone.  He began to feel his strength and wits return to him as he kept slowly sipping the NingXia.  And because it is low glycemic he didn’t have a crash shortly after.  The sustained energy really went a long way to help him deal with being so hurt.

Also, based on how quickly he revived after drinking the NingXia Red I can imagine that it would also be an excellent workout recovery drink, too.

If you are interested in purchasing NingXia Red or in getting it at a discount, please check out this post.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Please consult with the apropriate healthcare providers before making any health decision.*

Testimonial: Thieves Spray and Sore Throats

Thieves SprayFor some reason, we have been hit with a lot of different colds and bugs this year, way more than usual.  I am betting it is because we’ve got two little kids and for whatever reason, kids are germ magnets!  Thieves oil has been very good for helping to boost our immune systems and prevent us from getting every bug floating around, but when I got a killer sore throat I knew I needed to try something different.

Now when I say sore throat, I mean the type of sore throat where it is swollen, you can’t swallow and it feels like someone just slashed the inside of your throat with a million tiny little razor blades.  Oh yeah, BAD!  So when I woke up that morning I decided to use the Thieves Essential Oil Spray.  I stuck out my tongue and sprayed it to the back of my throat just like I was using any other sore throat spray.  The taste was actually pretty good, almost just like a redhot candy.

Within just a few moments the back of my throat felt numb, which was definitely an improvement over how it had been feeling.  Then the built up mucous (lol, sorry if it’s TMI!) started to break up in the back of my throat too.  Halfway through the day I had a return of the sore throat, but I sprayed it again and it never came back, and the cold didn’t progress any further.  I had the same really bad sore throat a few months prior, and it had lasted four days so finding out that the Thieves spray could be so helpful was such an exciting discovery!

So, what is in the Thieves Spray?

My best guess is that you’d have a hard time finding as natural of a throat spray anywhere else.

If you are interested in purchasing Thieves Spray or in getting it at a discount, please check out this post.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Please consult with the apropriate healthcare providers before making any health decision.*

Testimonial–NingXia Red: How it helps me manage without caffeine

NingXia berries with bottle 3 As the mother of two young children, it is difficult to get the rest that I need to keep from dragging most days.  It used to be that I would turn to chocolate, sugar or coffee to give me a lift, but I didn’t really care for the crash that I would get shortly after.  I would always feel more tired than before I had eaten the food or had the drink of coffee.  Also, as a breastfeeding mother, drinking coffee doesn’t always mix well with a nursing baby.

When I first signed up with Young Living, I got three single serve packets of NingXia Red with my startup kit.  To be completely honest, I was VERY skeptical that they could give me the pick up that I needed.  However, since they came with my kit, I decided I had nothing to lose.

The first time I tried it was the morning after a particularly long night where the baby had been up more times than normal.  I was absolutely wiped!  I took a packet from the fridge and drank it.    Within about a minute I noticed a gentle clearing of that morning “foggy” feeling.  My mood improved and my energy was great for the rest of the morning!  What I really love about it is that I don’t get that sugar rush or caffeine high that I would get with a sugary coffee drink, and I definitely didn’t get the energy crash that I would have gotten a short time afterwards either.

Well, that one experience sold me on the fact that NingXia Red was definitely a product that would help me out, and once I had finished the sample packs I made sure to get a full sized bottle.  It seriously is a lifesaver!

So, what is in this superfood drink?

NingXia Wolfberry (reported to be the most nutrient dense food in the world), blueberry, pomegranate, apricot, raspberry, blue agave nectar, grape seed, skin, and stem, lemon essential oil, and orange essential oil.

That is a powerhouse of high antioxidant fruits and no filler junk.  All of those ingredients are selected for their abilities to give lasting energy and antioxidant power to the cells.   Each 1 oz serving costs less than a latte at a specialty coffee shop, and it saves you the trip since it’s right in your own refrigerator.  Oh yeah, and each 1 oz serving is only 19 calories.  I’d like to see a coffee manage that!

If you would like to read more about NingXia Red, check THIS ARTICLE out.

If you are interested in purchasing NingXia Red or in getting it at a discount, please check out this post.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Please consult with the apropriate healthcare providers before making any health decision.*